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Old 28 October 2011, 12:53 PM   #89
2024 Pledge Member
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I chuckle at those who would say it doesn't matter what the movement in a watch with solid case back is or looks like, just as long as it tells time and the watch looks good on the outside. To me, that's not having an appreciation for a brand and it's standards and unique qualities. Rather, to me that is the very description of a fashion watch.
Panerai doing absolutely nothing to to the base 6497, not even stamping their name on it, while touting it as an exclusive movement is IMO disgraceful. That it has been used in only 150 watches doesn't make it better. Let's hope it's the last time they use it.
I also wonder how those who minimize the use of the OP XXIX would feel if they found a similarly decorated and unmodified movement in their PAM005, 000 etc..
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