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Old 9 November 2011, 12:22 AM   #57
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Here's an analogy and how I see this. I go and buy a Porsch boxster which you can not see the engine (mid engine design and all). This is a true-ism. When you open the front and rear hoods you can not see the engine. To work on it, must be on a lift or drop the engine. Now suppose I have an engine problem and the engine has to be dropped and low and behold I am staring at a turbo charged Volkswagon engine. Do you think the porsch owner would be pissed and amazed at the arrogance of trying to pull something off like that? That's how I see this. A fifty thousand dollar car with a twenty thousand dollar car engine in it. The only difference is the magnitude of the swindle. To me this is a swindle on Panerai owners. My 2cents.


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