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Old 26 April 2012, 06:36 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
Both the top ( just received yesterday) and the bottom ( received back in December) each cost $150 for the repair plus $28 return fed ex shipping plus of course the cost to ship out initially. Total with shipping both ways was approximately $200 per TT jubilee.

All you have to do is get Michael to agree to take on the work, if you have never been a customer before, and the forget about the bracelet untill he tells you it is ready. TRUST is a nessisary ingredient. Anyone who is a control freak and needs constant updates and "customer service" (read hand holding while their POS wasted bracelet that was going to be scrap is repaired and given new life) is not a good fit for Mr. Young and his service.

Get real guys, you are sending a wasted bracelet that was going to the scrap dealer...what's the big deal some of these guys have made over not getting the "customer service" they feel they are entitled to? Their rants just make them look like big baby's. I would understand if they were sending out a complete watch but they aren't......

I know there will be the totally serious and rational arguement given in response to this post that they are paying customers and deserve the proper customer service that they expect at all times from all vendors. If that is a requirement for your braclet repair, don't send it to Michael Young! If you want an unbelievable restoration and extension of utility for a worn out Rolex bracelet and can forget about it for up to four months....Mike is your man.
Great post!
This should be a required read to everyone sending a bracelet to him.
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