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Old 30 November 2005, 03:40 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Avalon
Parliament has been dissolved and we go to the polls on January 23rd. I just hope I get a lawn sign up before the ground is frozen.......

John, I agree, there was no reason for this vote at this time, other than the Reform/Alliance/Progressive Conservative/Conservative Party felt they had a better shot at forming a government now instead of next spring. Funny, I just watched "The Mulroney Tapes" over the last couple of nights (I had taped it) and it has fired me up for this election.........I hope others have watched it and feel the same way I do.
Oh yeah, I watched that with great relish. He is such a slimeball. Yuck!

I'd love to see the Libs come back with a majority, but that would be wishful thinking.

BTW, I just walked past Jean Chretien who was on his way into Hy's Steakhouse. Ain't Ottawa cool?
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