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Old 5 June 2012, 11:46 AM   #37
Join Date: Jul 2008
Real Name: Paul
Location: San Diego
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Ihave had Kidney stones, (4 times), Gall Stones (once, then the gallbladder was removed) and chronic prosititus. I would have to agree, Kidney stones are probably the worst. Have never had gout, but ironically, I take Alpurinol every day. My chronic prosititus was making life miserable. I would have flare-ups that lasted for eight or nine months. The burning, the pain, the urge to go all the time, it definitely sucked. I had every kind of (disgusting) test done by three different Urologists, (ever had a sicoscipy? Now THAT is a lot of fun!), they could not find out what is wrong. Finally, my current Uro did one of those 48 hour blood and urine intensive tests. He found that my uric acid was pretty high, (does 9 sound high?, something like that, can't remember). Anyway he started me on Alpurinol. The Difference was IMMEDIATE and INCREDIBLE! I have had relief for years now. I still have flare-ups occasionally, but no where NEAR as bad or last as long. My Uro theorized that the Uric-acid crystals were continiously irritating my prostate.

I don't care what the reason, all I know is this medicine is a wonder-drug for me and I feel a million times better!

Oh, and to the OP, My best for your relief from pain.
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