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Old 1 August 2012, 06:08 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by mtrunner View Post
Of course you can believe that she is clean. Unfortunately I have been around endurance sports all my life as both a competitor and spectator and have seen countless athletes test positive so I usually question all performances that are well out of the ordinary. History has proven that most times these performances are not legit.

By the way there are plenty of people who think her performance was legit but I have read countless people who question it. Here is just one more quote:

Executive director of the World Swimming Coaches Association, John Leonard, had this to say regarding Ye's time (via The Guardian):

The one thing I will say is that history in our sport will tell you that every time we see something, and I will put quotation marks around this, 'unbelievable', history shows us that it turns out later on there was doping involved. That last 100m was reminiscent of some old East German swimmers, for people who have been around a while. It was reminiscent of the 400m individual medley by a young Irish woman in Atlanta.

Any time someone has looked like superwoman in the history of our sport they have later been found guilty of doping
The person you quote above is the US coach who raised this whole thing in the first place.

Originally Posted by mtrunner View Post
And I am so tired of hearing, well she or he didn't fail a drug test. That is just ridiculous. Marion Jones for instance won how many Olympic Medals and it was found latter she was doping the entire time. Look at Cycling. Many cyclist dope for years before finally getting caught. And this list of "clean athletes" that passed drug tests but were later busted is LONG.
Well, I am so tired of allegations, whispers and straight out accusations, without any proof whatsoever. What do you propose then? Again, are we to descend to a "guilty until proven innocent" regime?
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