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Old 19 November 2007, 02:41 AM   #17
JJ Irani
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Originally Posted by JediSubExII View Post
JJ... could you describe the swirl for us??

Sometimes MrsJedi leaves her Expy for a day and I've been known to give it a cocktail shake, but I would really like to try your swirl...

I get confused when having to decide between SubDate or Pepsi or my own Expy, so a swirl may be just the think I need...

Please JJ, share man, you gotta, please
The "Brandy Swirl"? Easy.....imagine yourself with a glass of fine after dinner brandy and a cigar in one hand. Then picture yourself swirlling the brandy holding the large cup-shaped glass by the base.

Well, that's exactly what you do with your Rolex. Swirl it in a plane parallel to the floor so you start the rotor in motion and hence the watch.

Cheers - JJ
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