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Old 2 December 2012, 01:01 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by jay1988 View Post
I know the Comex and Mili subs go for about £50k but didn't know they were all in that range. I can't see if they are all Mili/Comex.

Do you know what a really nice patek costs ? Why are you asking me if I know how much they're worth ? My guess would be 3 million pounds at the most for the collection, I'm guessing less.

Patek Platinum world time £2.5million pounds
Patek Heures universelles £1.9million pounds
Patek 2499 first series £1.5million pounds

Maybe really nice wasn't the right phrase. What I meant was he could but some very high end Pateks with that money. You're talking like I've undervalued his subs but I think you've undervalued what some Pateks sell for.

There was a video of some guys at a watch auction when Mike Wood called his mili sub a "£55k watch" which is "$85k dollars" so I don't think "most" of those watches cost $130k. I also doubt they are all Mili and Comex subs. I'd estimate the value to be at just around £2 million pounds which isn't enough to even buy one of certain Pateks.
I think almost everyone here knows the value of Patek and wouldn't argue that they are at the top of the food chain but from my experience there are still many who do not know how valuable and exclusive vintage Rolex watches can be and this happens every time someone post up Mike Wood's vintage sub collection. Please check other threads to see for yourself.

When you use "very nice" I don't associate that with super exclusive ultra rare Pateks. All pateks are very nice and for 50-90k you can get what I would consider amazing time pieces from Patek. The models you made references to in order to clarify "very nice" are near top of the crop and not many people would ever get to see those watches in their lifetime. I don't know a WIS who would say simply those are just "very nice" watches.

There are tons of photos on MW sub collection, nothing is common there I assure you. He alone is the reason why majority of milsubs are in the UK.
As far as the video I hope we are not referring to Archie luxury. I guess I simply misunderstood the term "very nice" in this situation or why you chose those words. No harm.
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