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Old 25 January 2013, 05:31 AM   #102
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good lord. of course you'd buy a generator if you had the cash

it's common sense.

then ordinary citizens and classes below should bloody well educate themselves, invest, stop breeding like rabbits to life off government handouts, drink alcohol, smoke, i could go on, so they can afford a generator and other basics!

now this week the newspapers here are lamenting over goldman sachs wanting to pay out bonuses AFTER a planned tax decrease

anyone with half a brain would sell their house, shares etc, to avoid an increase in capital gains tax, but oh no, a company can't deploy this kind of thinking so now GS has to pay out bonuses BEFORE the decrease in tax so everyone's bonus is now taking an unnecessary hit, and this hit is effectively affecting shop owners, real estate agents as less cash is being paid out to spend to keep local communities going!!! example if a good bonus is paid out, the local dry cleaner gets something, the cleaner, gardener, Ocado guy delivering your groceries etc. instead this extra tax is being spent by UK Plc on SFA.

the world has gone nuts

anyway back to watches before i suffer a stroke or kill someone

Originally Posted by Mauiguy View Post
I could not agree with you more Anders! When a newspaper foments class envy like that, they've crossed the line from journalism to political activism.

Here's another one. The New York Times newspaper ran an Op-Ed piece denigrating people for powering their homes with 'privately owned' portable generators following Hurricane Sandy. The gist of the article went something like this; It's unfair for privileged folks to own 'private generators' when the majority of ordinary citizens don't and are instead dependent on the public utility for power. After the hurricane, the power company was kaput for an extended period leaving vast numbers of people in the dark freezing in the cold northeast weather. This was unfair, the author claimed, because (get ready for this) folks who own 'private generators' are comprised of the wealthy class who don't like paying their 'fair share' of income taxes i.e., revenue our government relies upon to combat global warming that would have prevented Hurricane Sandy from occurring in the first place!

So don't worry, we have our 'fair share' of idiots here too!

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