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Old 25 January 2013, 12:48 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by SubKing View Post
you're basing your numbers on as if I would only now get 10% off on the new retail? makes no sense.

not happening. I could secure additional 18% off.. remember if this new information is true about AD's margins being 10% higher, and I received 28% off before,

28% - 10% is still 18% off.. no reason for my AD not to give me that 18% on the current reduced price if we off set their 10% more they pay. BASED on your numbers now, I'm still out $2473 at only 18% off new retail price, compared to what i paid now on the old retail price. ya fallow?

you never accounted for my current discount of 28% less 10% to compensate for the dealers new margin. as long as the dealer has his margin covered, why would he then only give me 10% off. not happening if you base this off of the original figures. math wizz huh? THIS THREAD IS HOT HOT HOT YEOOOOOO DON'T FORGET WHO BROUGHT IT TO YA FIRST HERE FOLKS, HERE ALL WEEK. TADA!
No matter how you cut it, it hurts. I have the RG 44mm as well but it is what it is. I still love my watch. Part of this game we some lose some.

Not to cross your toes SubKing but I work out the math on my side. If the price was reduced on the RG 44mm (msrp $61,200) by 17% and the price for the AD went up a straight 10% giving them a wholesale cost of 30% off of msrp than your opportunity lost is $1395.36 and that is factoring that the AD still makes 20% profit like the last time when they gave you 28% off. You lost 3% b/c of this change. I'm bored...I know.
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