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Old 28 April 2013, 12:34 AM   #21
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Real Name: Timothy
Location: The Rock, Georgia
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Posts: 3
Have you folks looked at the Big Book Rolex has, there do seem to be a huge selection of men's Rolex's with diamonds, even large ones and even ones that have a selection of nice diamonds on the bands. It is really a personal choice, some people like ice cream with the extras and some prefer plain, but as for the bling it just get more in the can you afford it question than, does it or does it not exist. Rolex has exotic models and that even includes ones with meteorite as a dial and there are some real nice looking watches that would make even a Rock Star show some of his earnings. I really would not mind at all adding a few to my growing collection and so far it includes two Rolex's and some others that change at time due to the fact that I give some away at times and even recently traded a new watch still in the box for a franchise Hat that I had wanted to have one to add to my Hat collection and even though the value of the watch out weighted the hat by leaps and bounds, that was the way to say give me the Hat, sometimes people say that certain things are not attainable , but that just might change if you know how to play the game . Get rid of what you don't want to get what you do want.
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