Thread: Canada Customs
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Old 27 June 2013, 06:47 AM   #105
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by WolFF View Post
Serial numbers are on a database with customs. They can pull up your luxury watch and determine exactly where your watch was originally sold and if duties have been paid on it. If it has a serial number it's recorded in a database somewhere.
I'm sorry, and I mean no disrespect to you as 'messenger', but this is complete rubbish.

Anyone actually believing that Swiss watch manufacturers would happily give access to their closely guarded records is naive at best.

Companies like Rolex or PP or AP or Breitling or Omega or TAG, who never give out sales figures, who introduce random serial numbers to cause confusion on manufacture dates, just giving Canadian Customs access to any kind of reference system and risk losing closely guarded commercial data is pure fantasy.

I realise you were told this by your 'friend', but I'd suggest he has either fabricated / embellished the story, or has been caught out by a wily Customs officer who sold him a line to get him to confess.

As someone who travels Internationaly on a weekly basis, and has done so for many years, I've never once been asked about the watch I'm wearing whether AP, Rolex, Omega or anything else.
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