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Old 25 October 2013, 02:58 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Happy Land =)
Posts: 54
Originally Posted by lwesterman01 View Post
Ya you can really nickel and dime people especially if its a huge project.
I try to keep my pricing as simple as possible. I charge $300 for initial set up of the server, acquiring the domain, and landing page. From there I charge $100 for every additional basic text page and $200 for any page with a more then just text and I pic wanted. Then of course you can really get creative between, analytics, seo, and big money in e-commerce sites. There is a lot of money in it.

I really need to get out to more small local mom and pop stores. Most don't have a website and its is surprising how much it really helps. Everyone is so reliant on there smart phone for information and lets say you want a cheese burger you going to get mcdonalds, red robin, crap like that and people don't even realize that they can get an awesome burger from "Made like Dad's Restaurant" so the customer is missing out and the small business is missing out on a huge market.
Hahaha!! Totally agree with you! Why don't you bring up the importance of SEOs too??! ;)

"Never regret the things that made you smile cuz at some point, you wanted it."
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