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Old 8 July 2014, 05:23 AM   #44
Wesley Crusher
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Originally Posted by GradyPhilpott View Post

History of ETA

Sorry, Wes, generic is simply not the word you're looking for, at least as it applies to ETA.
I was using the term loosely. I thought my message was clear, but if there was any confusion, I apologize. In a literal sense, ETA is not generic. You're right. I think common is a better word. Like I said, I have nothing against ETA or other common (even generic) automatic movements. I think every watch and movement has its place.

What I find interesting is how some people cannot justify a high-end quartz watch. The 9F, for example, cannot be compared to a cheap quartz movement. Likewise, a generic or common automatic movement cannot be compared to a high-end one. Sure, they do the same thing and work similarly, but there is a lot more that goes into a movement than just that.

Given the option between a high-end quartz watch (GS, for example) and a watch with a common automatic movement (assuming the price was similar), I would take a lot of things into consideration. I simply would not choose the automatic just because it is an automatic.

I guess my overall point is that one type of movement is not inherently better than another. Movements should be judged on a case-by-case basis. Personally, I think some quartz movements are worth just as much, if not more, than some automatic movements.

Is that fair? Am I nuts?
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