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Old 20 September 2014, 07:24 AM   #80
"TRF" Member
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Real Name: Frank
Location: GA
Watch: GMT black ceramic
Posts: 16
If you're only planning on wearing the 16570 Exp 2 on weekends/holidays, I'd get a watch winder or wear it at home after work/wind it.
Reason being is that adjusting the minute hand also adjusts the GMT hand on this movement (3185/3186), which could be annoying to get "just right" on both the minute and GMT hand each time. Then you'd have to jump the hour hand to the correct hour and in this case the correct date (you'd have to jump 24 hrs to jump each date) each time you picked up this watch on the weekends/holidays if it hasn't been running or is several days or hours off.

Given the above, I'd still buy at a good price then pick up a winder as well -- this watch is worth it in my opinion as it's very functional, versatile (rugged, classic, dressy, casual), and undervalued.

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