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Old 10 November 2014, 02:00 PM   #139
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Mars
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I finally changed my signature, it's a little long of course but if you were to do the same thing it would probably be a whole page

Anyways wanted to thank you for making me understand that for me, exactly like you, less is better, it felt not right having great watches, IMO, sitting in the bank safe but I was thinking that they are great and flipping them would be stupid and I would loose money, of course I am loosing money but not too much as I got them all new but at good prices, but I feel much better knowing that these pieces will make someone happy, and they will be living a watche's life, getting wrist time and not aging slowly in the dark of a metal bank safe, which is not IMO where a watch should be, except if you are an investor and plan to keep them for 10 or more years before selling them for more, but that's not me, I invested in real estate but not in watches

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