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Old 27 February 2015, 05:36 PM   #1
2024 ROLEX DATEJUST41 Pledge Member
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The Police found my White Gold Daytona!!!

So I am not afraid to admit that I believe in God, Angels and miracles. I have never stopped believing that the watch would come back to me. I said a short prayer yesterday before heading out to work. I asked if I should follow up with Police please let me know with a sign . This after receiving a very heartfelt PM from Otto my fellow Gaijin Bro up in Tokyo. He said, Tom you should follow up with the Police and check in. Thank you Otto.

So I am on the way to work and I have to go around a police car that has someone stopped. I am thinking. Ok... Then no more than 10 minutes later I pass by another police car that has two people stopped and they are out of their patrol car talking with them on the sidewalk, again blocking my path. Call me crazy but I went home after work and called the police.

I got voice mail.

No worries. I came home today and called and got the detective helping out on my case and he says to me, " I was just going to call you, we found your watch yesterday."

So evidently the person who "found" it or stole it pawned it. The pawn shop after paying this guy however much they did found out it was stolen. Not sure at this point whether they contacted the police or some diligent detective checked in. Either way my watch is being held at the pawn shop.

Per the detective I spoke with today this is how it goes down in Japan. I have to go to the pawn shop with the police and prove that it is mine. No problem. I have photos, box, papers, both hang tags with serial number on the green one, bezel cover, the FedEx box that DavidSW shipped it in, the receipt from FedEx for the import duties paid and the report from the Rolex RSC that I made notifying them that it was stolen.

The detective told me that since the pawn shop owner is out a bunch of money I may have to offer compensation. Before anybody gets mad on my behalf (and thank you) I told the detective that is not going to happen. The pawn shop took in my stolen watch. They can try and recover the money from the thief. Cost of doing business.

Anyway I will be reunited with my WG Daytona soon! Can't wait to see the condition that it is in after my fall.

Here is the original thread when I told you all that I had it stolen.

Thank you all for your prayers and positive thinking for me. Please keep it up as I move into the next stage of getting my WG Daytona back from the pawn shop.

By the way if you remember in my first thread I tried to warn the pawn shop, ( the very one that now has bought my stolen WG Daytona) and they blew me off.
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