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Old 29 April 2015, 04:31 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Rmatlanta View Post
So to reopen this with a question from a new owner - buying a 2008 5127. I can't imagine sending this watch in for servicing for a couple years. So my question is - what's the worst that can happen and what's likely to happen if I wait til the watch is ten years old? Thanks!!
Well since the oils dry up you can have damage on some parts of the movement due to lack of lubricant, which means you might need to change parts and that could be expensive, if you read my previous post I go into details but to resume I have the intention to bring my Patek to service every 5 years, they say 3-5 but I think 5 is ok, regardless of the wrist time it's getting, of course if you have a "collection" piece, which you never wear and which sits in the safe, I would not touch it, but if you got it to wear it then service it as it should be
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