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Old 4 May 2015, 11:40 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by AK797 View Post
I agree, as a brand Rolex are king of sports watches and Patek king of dress and complicated watches.
I agree

Originally Posted by toneafficianado View Post
This post is fascinating as it brings up so many points.
There is a definite similarity with cars..Are Mercedes "better" than Mazda for instance?Is the criterion is value retention? Is it quality? Is it looks/style/"name", snob appeal?
So many vital variables .
I bought a new Mazda a year ago.
It is perfect.
Why , because it's great to drive and it works ALL the time and has had not one problem. I wouldn't swap it for a Mercedes because I haven't seen any of them which I like the look of and they don't come in Soul Red!
It is SO personal.
With watches..I like Rolex. they have many styles/models that sing to me. I wouldn't swap my Exp 2 for a Patek costing twice or three times the value because I like it too much and it works flawlessly too. I've not seen a Patek yet that I would prefer as a daily driver watch.
SO , to me, Rolex IS the king. How can I argue with the quality when it works so well and looks so good?
I have had Seikos and Longines that were as reliable but I prefer the styling of my Rolex so have sold those off.
It just is a personal choice thing..there is no actual "best".
Best is what the customer perceives it is.
Well of course there is the customer perception, but also many other points like the selection of watches proposed, on this part IMO they are number one… But Rolex is definitely the King for sport watches and other watches that would resist a nuclear bomb

Originally Posted by texex91 View Post
Question is so silly, because it's SO broad.

"King of Watches"--what does that mean?

No comment.
Of course it's broad Paul, it's the many factors of it compared to other brands.

I could have used "best", "number one", I used king as an expression, and while this might seem silly to you if you read the replies some others find this thread great, and if we were just all waiting for incomings to say "wow huge congrats" or "you should take that one", sure they're nice threads also but when there are periods with only those kinds of threads TRF is as boring as can be.

I for one would be very happy if others launched discussions like this as I always like to know other peoples' points of view and find discussion and contradiction interesting...

And once again when I find a thread silly or stupid I just don't participate and sure as hell don't post saying to the OP that his thread is stupid, what's stupid to you is not to everyone if you read the replies and the fact that the thread has 2 pages, I have my opinions but even if some are silly, and there are some like this, I think it's better that some people try to participate and launch discussions rather than just sit and wait for the next incoming thread, and if I find it stupid I stay quiet…
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