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Old 4 May 2015, 03:45 PM   #43
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by benlee View Post
I will say that Patek makes great watches but "King" is in terms of what standard? Quality? Range of products? Sales? I do not think making a very broad range of products means it is "King" and if that is so, Seiko should probably be crowned KIng. As I always said, at the very top end, Patek is unchallenged. It's in the mid range or their standard bread and butter offerings that things are starting to look questionable. Simply re-releasing the same watch under different dials and case is not innovation imo. It is starting to feel boring.

While AP might be percieved as a lesser brand, and their best and most well known offerings are mostly limited to RO line, there are many more APs that I could think of acquiring first before PPs. Matter of personal preference in the end. And for Lange, most people that truely knows watches will tell you that Lange has beaten PP in terms of movement decoration and finishing. Just put a Datograph and a 5170 side by side and compare. Sometimes I am puzzled why PP does not attempt to improve on this, but keep recycling the same movement into different watch cases and call them a new release.

PP is an incredibly well marketed brand that makes some very nice watches. But is it "King"?? I am not sure. Bottomline, if you love the brand, then it's king enough for you.
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