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Old 23 May 2015, 05:19 PM   #97
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Ebay and Paypal,

Bad news , I had some rubbish three years ago , I did get my money back eventually but it was under £350 and if it went against me I could chalk it up to experience. It is such a long story and was really time consuming and a PITA , This Seller was coming 250 miles to beat me , I suggested if it was evenings mostly I'm at the club or day times at work just come to the gate house ill pop out as its private (Sussex Police HQ ) ,

Its all grief and such a waste of time and for what its worth when you escalate a case PayPal team can read both side of any correspondence so when they start threatening you etc ,It must help them decide what is correct .

I won't buy or use ebay and paypal unless I'm 110% sure of what I'm buying

Really glad you resolved it
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