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Old 8 August 2015, 08:25 PM   #10
"TRF" Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: uk
Watch: 16013 Datejust
Posts: 39
I have just replaced the bezel on a 16013 Datejust and it is pretty simple. On youtube the method shown is to use a single sided razor blade to ease up the bezel. I thought it would be better to buy one of those bezel removing tools on ebay which have 4 wedges that wind in using a winding knob to ease up the bezel. WRONG. The special tool scratched the top of the lugs. So i attempted the razor blade method and it could not have been easier. Just ease the blade inbetween bezel and case and go around the bezel easing it up as you go around. Following removal of the bezel the plexiglass lifts off. I then bought for £40 a wind down bezel press. I think the wind down one will have more control than the squeeze type presses. The press came with a selection of presses up to 30mm, but because the 16013 Datejust has a bezel with internal diameter of 30.4mm i needed to buy a 31mm press tool.
Before anyone comments, yes i did remove the movement first using the correct case back remover, also bought cheap on ebay.
While i was at it i removed the tube, very easily using a torx driver to grip the inside of the tube. New tubes can be purchased and they have torx grooves in them to make it simple to tighten down.
The case has been polished on its sides, and the matt finish redone to the top of the lugs by using a strip of 1500 wet and dry paper.
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