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Old 30 May 2008, 04:54 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by jmsrolls View Post
I'll let you know the number when it arrives tomorrow. I will not have any movement photos and have to take the seller's word until I can get it to my watchmaker. I will perform the "wiggle test" for whatever that is worth.

It was very frustrating trying to find two black M/3186 EXPIIs. Most dealers had no clue as to the 3186 and could not understand why I was so insistent as to the movement. I kept hearing "The Z is the current model with the latest movement." "They look just alike."

The watchmaker at one AD came out and tried to convince me to buy the Z/3185 out of the case. "The 3186 is a new movement and you should never buy a new movement until it has been out for at least five years", the watchmaker told me. This was after he said that it would be 2-3 years before Rolex put the 3186 in the Explorer II.

Fr. John+
Great, looking forward to more info from you. I am myself an owner of an M01-serial Explorer 16570 purchased this year, and according to the watchmaker where I bought it it is most problably equipped with the 3186. I have not opened the case though, since it would not make me sell my watch anyway (if it has the 3185). Still I am also collecting information, so I am eager to see the first Ex 16570 with a 3186 popped open.

According to all info I have (from several Rolex watchmakers) the 16570 have been delivered since late 2007 with calibre 3186. I have specifically spoken to the watchmakers at the AD:s, not the sales persons about the calibre.

Looking forward to see your watch. And if you pop it open remember to bring a camera to verify not only the proper case, but also pictures of the movement including designation (3186).

Until then, here is mine: (Perhaps I shall open mine anyway...)



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