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Old 16 February 2016, 05:15 AM   #162
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by rr-nyc View Post
No, witnesses to a purse snatching and circumstantial evidence that ties someone to the time and place of the theft can get you charged and even convicted.

The thief in this case doesn't need to be in possession of the watch to be prosecuted or convicted. In fact, if he sold it, it only helps the prosecuted case if and when its located.

If the thief is caught, what would his defense be? That he changed his mind because the Op was trying to sell a fake? Sure that makes a lot of sense. What would the motivation be? The OP has proof that the watch in question was legally his at the time the crime occurred. Furthermore, do you think the girl in the car wasn't in on it? Don't be naive to think she wasn't... and if she knew, is she wiling to purger herself to corroborate the guys story? I doubt it.
In this case there are no witnesses to the actual event, which is the watch swap to the fake one. Obviously if there is an eyewitness of the swap happening or if you can see it on the tapes, or some other supporting evidence, then situation is completely different. But when going solely on the facts presented by the OP, there is no eyewitness/other evidence of the swap taking place. This is the problem. It turns it into a he-said-she-said case.

So, his defense would be that he went to see a watch, didn't like it, and walked away. Nothing, apart from owners story, ties him with the disappearance of the Sub.

Obviously the girl was part of the plan, that goes without saying. I'm guessing they have done this before (or - they will do it again if this was the first time), it's quite an elaborate plan and needs some serious cojones to do it.

I'm not saying finding these people is pointless, obviously there is a chance when you find him, he's sitting on 50 watches stolen this way. Then he's dead meat, again. But if there are a) no eyewitnesses, b) no other supporting evidence, c) no pattern of previous events with the same scheme and suspect or d) no original watch found, it will be tricky.

If the police are already looking for him for 50 other things of similar nature, then obviously none of the above apply.
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