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Old 20 March 2016, 01:38 AM   #22
Join Date: Nov 2015
Real Name: Karl
Location: Kuwait
Posts: 5,228
I think that's the beauty of different tastes. If we all liked the same the waiting list would be infinite!! I am a big fan of the new steps PP is taking even if it isn't always perfect. It does try cater to a broad range of customers. Look at the breadth of models and choices. It's not like 2 brands I can think of who have a single looking watch that they invigorate by new new colors, new materials and association with a celebrity!! How many times can you change a dial Colour on a nautilus or let me guess we will have a WG 5164 in 2018!! Yaawwwn!! With PP moving in the direction they are I am getting much more excited about the brand.

As for the 5524 I heard they are scarce (yippee) but I have had one for over a month and the 5930 is slotted for October delivery and the mock up at my AD on 12/5 for my viewing. If you need my AD's details PM me.
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