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Old 26 May 2016, 01:51 PM   #18
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Posts: 501
Originally Posted by Fleetlord View Post
Alford this is an interesting topic as it is common for obsessive types to collect LOTS of different things....but as your income grows into adulthood so does your need to FEED the collecting beast with finer and finer examples of whatever it is you're into. That's the transformation from your flea market shopping to now..

You have a problem, however.....a problem that quite a few on this forum DO NOT have and that is a limited income/ your question just won't compute with those people. They WANT it...they just buy stress or problem what so ever. No financing. They can handle multiple expensive hobbies AND live whatever lifestyle they see fit....

So you might not find many here who will be in agreement with you because they have different means than you, or the persons with more limited buying power(there are many here too) have lessor tastes...and fewer hobbies...or they have more financial discipline.

So your combination of multiple expensive hobbies, fine tastes, and lessor income/wealth, is not a good mix....

So, easier said than done I'm sure but you're going to have to do one of the following:

1) Get more money!

2) Pick a Hobby and stick with just can't have it all

3) Get some treatment for the "problem". If the collecting is an addiction that is affecting your life in any negative way, it's not healthy......stressing over financing a $25k dress watch that you "just have to have so bad you will consider recklessly financing it"...might put you in that category.

This hobby can become a problem for some people...I've seen an intervention of sorts for a fellow on another forum. He must have flipped 60 expensive watches in a year....losing money each time. He listed out all the watches on a post and some were many multiples of the same piece...over and over again. He admitted that he just couldn't stop.


Thanks for the thought out response! But I think you missed part of what I wrote along with some of the others. I financed my first watch (RLX Sub) some 10 years ago and only because I was young and dumb. I would never finance a watch now but was curious how many actually do because they are addicted to brands like PP.

My obsessive disorder is only an issue with wanting more than I can afford in a hurry. Like I stated I could save $25k-$50k in a year or two no problem without sacrificing any of my other hobbies but just don't know if it's worth doing since before I had the PP experience with my 5167 I just thought they were great watches but didn't honestly realize how much better they were than say RLX and Omega. But when I had my Omega GSOTM I preferred it so much more than the Sub that I never even wore the Sub so was trying to put that in perspective with having a $75k Patek and $25k Patek. Would I even wear the lesser quality piece enough to justify saving for so long to acquire the more expensive model. I know in my heart I would never fill a 6 watch box with actual pieces that would get constant rotation so that is part of my question. When I like something I like it and tend not to care much for the others. So my obsession isn't like that so to speak more more like just have to have something when I really want it and know it's realitively in my reach. If I had to break it down I'd say maybe one PM three hand, one PM manual, 1 or 2 sports watches, a chrono/complication, and a calendar that could be the complication piece. That would be my perfect collection off the top of my head.

As far as income we can't really make more than we do now or it won't be worth the raise in tax bracket. A few hundred thousand a year doesn't go as far as some might think when owning multiple properties and other various things requiring money for upkeep.

I do honestly have too many hobbies but not all of them are as expensive as watches. Radio controlled aircraft, cars, trucks, etc...., fishing, knives, home theater (the most expensive and I don't buy voodoo type cables and wires), watches, memorabilia, and painting/drawing.

I have just seen instances like you explained where people get caught up with owning stuff but lose money in the long run or stretch themselves thin to satisfy that need. I was just merely stating my situation as an example for the thread not because am buying watches that I don't want to keep; although, the thought of gradually upgrading my 5167 until I reach a PC or chrono has crossed my mind since coming up with $16k for another 5167 would be simple compared to $50k$-$75k of disposable cash. And I have a habit of wearing the same watch constantly. My next watch will be a rose gold classical style dress watch so will get a better idea of what will happen when owning two ultra high end watches.
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