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Old 1 June 2016, 12:44 PM   #127
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Originally Posted by nilfire77 View Post
Dude, you are taking things out of context with your "supermodel girlfriend" example here..

We aren't talking about microscopic details on a watch movement.. The details that those macro shots provided are details that we can see using a NORMAL loupe.. Meaning loupes used by watchmakers, watch boutique staffs and customers.. Loupes that people use to look at watch dials and movements.. Yes, that's right, it's a loupe and not a microscope.

I'm sure most people will have no qualms about cheaper watch brands doing less than fantastic finishing jobs, but we are talking haute horlogerie here... PP is haute horlogerie, no less.. So I think it's only fair to expect certain finishing standards when we pay serious coins for a timepiece like PP..

Happy for you that you are easily satisfied and have low expectations for PP's finishing standards.. But trust me, your taste and expectations will change as you gain more insights in the world of horology.

In a nutshell, it's about what we value in things. For you, you may now only value the brand and prestige of a PP watch and nothing else is important. But for me, I value hand finishing in watchmaking because I truly respect the amount of painstaking efforts and excellent craftsmanship delivered by the watchmakers from the finishing department and it shows through those nicely polished bridges and bevels when viewed under a loupe.
The question that was asked by the OP: is there a brand that is superior to Patek Philippe? What tangent are you going off on? What is your answer to THIS question? Do you have one?? That is what was asked??
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