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Old 1 June 2016, 01:20 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by enjoythemusic View Post
Thank you for saying what needed to be said. The more I found myself admiring the best micro-mechanical engineering and finishing work... Something has truly become amiss with modern Pateks, including more than just the movement finishing. Any longtime admirer, or professional expert, can easily see the problems and not simply be blinded by a nameplate that once, long ago, stood for excellence.

Hopefully many here seek out finer crafted mechanic works of art, as there are quite a few impressive craftspeople and small companies that cater to those who appreciate the finest mankind can offer.

The market is moving fast, and am impressed with the creativity of many independents. Never before has so many impressive pieces, and diversity, been available. Just as some might choose Bose audio because they think it is the best, once they take the time to research and listen... Bose is a bit above average, yet very far from excellence as compared to the best available.

Guess the bottom line is that this thread will hopefully get some here to step back and look at the landscape. Open their minds to alternatives. And to hopefully find a finer appreciation for what is truly possible in mechanical timepieces within today's marketplace. Don't worry, the mass produced Pateks will be around for many years and easy to find online if you still insist.
If I'm not mistaken, You also didn't answer the OPs question...You must have been greatly burned by Patek in some way, I guess...Sorry abt that....So what watches/brands do you own? Have you been collecting for a while? Do you own any independents like the ones you are mentioning? How are the prices/values on those? Any pics? Do you have any positive things to say about the brand? or you just enjoy coming into the Patek forum and put the brand down?
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