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Old 4 July 2016, 02:57 AM   #24
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Kingstown
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Originally Posted by TheVTCGuy View Post
You know, I Did learn some things this week, from my 14.4 mile hike up in the mountains yesterday, my personal best for the season.

1. I am an idiot

2. I am 55 years old

3. I am an idiot

4. Never trust the weather forecast when it says the high temperature in the mountains on July 2nd is going to be 79. When I arrived about 7:30 in the morning it was already 83 degrees.....

5. When flies are swarming around your face all day, killing just one of them makes you feel better.

6. You can never have too much water with you hiking on a hot day; (I had six liters and needed all of it ).

7. I am a 55 year-old idiot

8. The most humbling feeling in the world is when you are walking (crawling) up a hill, panting like a dog, and someone (who looks to be about your age) RUNS up and passes you, smiles, and says: "Good Morning" without even LOOKING tired.

9. If it weren't for Vicodin and jacuzzis, I wouldn't be able to type this post...

10. Finally, for some reason I can only upload one picture from my IPad at a time :thinking:
See # 1, 3 and 7.
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