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Old 1 September 2016, 04:27 AM   #3
"TRF" Member
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Agree with the OP,
Why would you accept the advice of your doctors when you've got access to the anonymous members of this forum that can provide expert advice?

In the outside chance that you'd want the CDC's opinion, I submit the following:

"Whooping cough is a serious disease that can be deadly for babies. Unfortunately, babies can't get vaccinated and start building protection against whooping cough until they are two months old. The good news is that you can avoid this gap in protection by getting the whooping cough vaccine (called Tdap) during the third trimester of your pregnancy. By doing so, you pass antibodies to your baby before birth. These antibodies help protect your baby in the first few months of life."

Admittedly probably just government bureaucrats paid off by the big drug companies and working in cohoots with the corrupt physicians, but still maybe something to consider?
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