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Old 30 September 2016, 12:25 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by PJ S View Post
What’s with the fascination with softcore porn? Leave that sort of crap to Invicta, and others!
And if those faces are the best that Kari’s engraver can manage, then I’d seriously urge you to forget about the Officer’s Back altogether.
I read something about Viking women – are you a descendant of Viking origin?

Dial side looks beautifully expensive, then you flip it over it – and it looks tacky and cheap.
Stick with the display case back only, assuming you don’t have a family coat of arms to have engraved instead.
Moreover, by dispensing with the engraved back, does that make going for a regular Platinum case a viable option?
Of course, without the engraving and caseback we are back to what was my first order.
You know that many high end horology brands have a history of soft porn, either with engraved case backs, either with a moving scene.
I love the type of engraving I posted, but mine will be of 1 female warrior, and not viking, greek-roman style.
I thought about putting our coat of arms, but decided not to, though think will put the family devise "ferrum ferro, ferro feror" I carry steel, steel carries me...
These are their coat of arms, the thought did go through my head, but this is on my mothers side, and in France aristocratic title and right to bear arms, coat of, are passed on only by men, not women, if women could do it, I would be a marquis, not joking... For those who like History, my family is Montalembert d'Esse, you wouldn't imagine what kind of ancestors I have, a Paris street is named in honor of one of them, but it's the aristocracy which lost everything, until 1960 they had many properties and castles, now nothing left, the castle in which my mother was born now belongs to a communist run commune near Paris


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