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Old 14 October 2016, 04:52 AM   #22
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So best I can do is we are talking to each other on the phone in 15 minutes, because she is in a meeting currently. The irony of me not being able to work (I am an AE at a tech security firm, I can't exactly perform under duress), and her unwillingness to acknowledge this potentially serious health problem now has me resenting her and worried about her.

I talked to my boss and we agreed I can't just go over there and kick the door down demanding she leaves; it would be bad news all around for her job as well as the relationship (I don't care, that can be fixed later, but it is an argument against), and I can't force a conscious person to do anything against their own will anyway.

My mom, of all people (she is a psychologist which ads to the objectivity) said women have a tendency to do this. Basically she is so scared of having a health issue it is better in her subconscious mind to just ignore the fact something is wrong than to deal with it. On the flip side she is super health conscious and watches what I eat, how I sleep, how I piss, poop, what have you, like a freaking hawk.

Sorry, I am not exactly composed right now. Need to keep it together for when we talk in ten minutes. I am not sure about ER but I am going to insist we go to at least a physician who can refer her to a specialist.

Also she was planning to go to a symphony tonight, I am going to guess that is a bad idea (loud noises, rapid light changes)

I am no dr, but this seems more like a small seizure than a stroke right? Strokes run in her family though.

She also only has one kidney. Not sure how that plays into this.

Thanks for the support guys.
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