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Old 2 December 2016, 04:40 AM   #13
GMT Aviator
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At this point I don't think its appropriate to divulge too many details, but fear not, once this is resolved one way or another I will be posting a follow up on here.

Rolex will NOT do serial number checks prior to purchase, which in some ways is a shame, however, this watch being caught like it has been, is testament that they do something rather than nothing.

Ultimately I would like to keep the watch if that is at all possible but it depends on a number of factors now outside my control, so I have to roll with it and see what happens.

To protect myself I've clearly had to let ebay and my credit card company know. My Credit card company have always been helpful in the past when life throws a hic-cup like this, so hopefully they will come through this time.
At the end of the day, according to Rolex, I have been sold stolen goods and there is a healthy paperwork trail to prove that which all parties are now in possession of.

As gladiator posts above, if no one claims it then it may become mine again after all, but if that is to be the case, then I must ask of Rolex what records will be kept pertaining to this watch if it passes to my ownership. I don't wish to own a watch that has a 'stolen then recovered' caveat hanging over it every time it pops up for service with any RSC.

More than thirteen years have passed since this watch was declared stolen with Rolex in Germany. Thats a long time so it will be interesting to see where this goes, but it is an interest I'd rather not be involved in if I'm honest.

Apparently, said RSC where this was taken to be serviced have had two this week come in as reported stolen.....mine and another which was bought in being recorded as stolen in Belgium. I don't know what the other watch type was.
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