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Old 18 February 2017, 09:09 AM   #9
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Maryland
Posts: 842
Originally Posted by Marciano490 View Post
The only AP that holds its value right now is the steel skeleton. Everything else you can buy for 25-30% off and you'll still lose money when you go to resell. If you have an example of another model that you can get out even or make money on, I'm all ears.
Originally Posted by singe89 View Post
Pay retail for a PM rolex or patek 5960 and watch how much they depreciate....

Many APs hold their value very well or appreciate but the key is buying the right models at the right price. Above all else buy what you actually enjoy wearing.

The 15407 is holding for right now. But I can get one 28% off right now through my AD. In a year or so they will depreciate too. Granted the previous openworked only depreciated by about 5-6k.

Mainly the only APs that actual hold value are the limited edition racing ROOs. Then there are a few boutique exclusive like the CE diver and I'm sure the CE PC that hold value.

But again yes the typical rolex does hold value better than the typical AP. Say diver to sub, or sub/daytona to 15400. The reason for this is lower barrier to entry, and also the whole "baller" stigma that comes with owning a rolex. AP is for the true watch enthusiast whereas rolex not so much.

You see more women rolling around with all gold rolexes than all gold APs for a reason.

But, I don't know any modern day rolex that went up in value. And the daytona C doesn't count because that is temporary. Whereas the AP schumacher has gone up and that is here to stay most likely.
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