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Old 21 February 2017, 04:19 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: midwest
Watch: sea dweller
Posts: 120
If you ever want a perfect example of poor "internet wisdom" search for cyclops on a


You will see so many horribly misinformed reasons people give for this not being included on the watch that it is almost comical.

The reason I searched is my vision is getting a bit fuzzy in my older years and (gasp, the horror) am thinking of adding one to the dweller I currently have (not gonna trade it off and get a different watch, don't really care whether people like me doing it or not as, really, it is just a mass produced watch and not some priceless piece of art, so don't bother with the whole don't do it, I am old enough I no longer worry about what other people think) and wanted to see how it was done.

Now. My question being.

Why do people feel the need on the internet to give advice or answer something (i.e. why no cyclops on the dweller) when the subject is something they have absolutely no knowledge on (and some of the answers are really laughable, cyclops blowing off under pressure.. etc..)? What is it about the internet that causes people to suddenly feel the need to show of their ignorance? If I truly didn't know an answer to something, I certainly wouldn't be bragging to the world through stupid answers?

This is a thing I have seen many times on various boards, not strictly limited to this subject.

Just a bit of human nature that I find interesting.
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