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Old 10 May 2006, 01:57 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Trilliums and more!

A while back I posted a shot of the reddish coloured trillums we have on our property - here it is again in case you missed it:

I went searching for the white variety, and found those in the small area of bush we have in front of the house - the red came from out back. This is a nice little patch:

Nice example:

Just outside my front door!

Also came across some "Jack in the Pulpit" that we rarely see:

And another:

Not flowers, and certainly not as good as Padi and Adrian can take (my small digital camera has it's limitations - need an SLR digital!), but we had two very nice birds at the feeder at once. On the left is an Indigo Bunting, and on the right an American Goldfinch. There were actually a pair of the Goldfinches on the feeder this morning again. nice to have the birds back after a long winter!

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