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Old 4 July 2017, 11:01 AM   #95
"TRF" Member
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Posts: 82
Originally Posted by schnipples24 View Post
Hey I appreciate the feedback even if I don't necessarily agree with it. Cheapest 214270 David has for sale right now is 5k.

Also, not really sure where you're seeing these scratches on the sides of the cases in the sellers photos? I've examined them pretty close at this point and really cannot make them out.

I really do not think I am being unreasonable at this point. The seller clearly did not accurately represent the condition in his pictures + description.

You say the wear is clearly visible in the pictures but then say also that I should have "put the pics in a photo editor to change the exposure, contrast, brightness, and another inverted to reveal the defects that are visible".
Do you really believe this is reasonable and the fault lies on me? All I'm asking is for a refund at this point and I will even send the watch back on my own dime, the fact the seller has been completely dark since he provided me the tracking number last week doesn't seem sketch or raise any flags?

If he wasn't intentionally trying to mislead with his post then why hasn't he responded or addressed any of these issues?

I don't get how you can look at the ad then look at the pictures I posted + the fact that he has completely ceased communication and go "oh OK yeah everything seems completely fine with the way this transaction occurred."
Do you really believe this is reasonable and the fault lies on me?

I'm not really in the position to assert my opinion here. But I believe you took a risk on an unknown seller. I searched the Sellers/Buyers Who's Who section. He had a few positive feedback notes as a buyer, absolutely zero as a seller.

I looked at his Instagram - - and he's really into posting photos of his wristies. I'd have some other choice words here for his Instagram activity, but I'll refrain :)

All you really HAVE in this world is your word. Everything else can be taken from you but they can't take your integrity. If I were the seller, I'd try to rectify the situation if you weren't happy as a buyer. But you're dealing with someone who obviously doesn't have the integrity that many of us do...

So I'd hope he would live up to his word and make you a happy buyer....

But I also feel like you took a calculated risk as a buyer... and it didn't work out in your favor. And for that I'm sorry :/

The moderators of the forum really have the power here to help you. It isn't the court of popular opinion. Everyone has one and mine stinks... But I do hope it turns into a better situation than this!
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