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Old 11 July 2017, 08:07 AM   #13
"TRF" Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: LA
Posts: 18
The Patrizzi's have been fetching a premium for sometime, and recently it appears there is quite the demand in Hong Kong for them.

In May of this year, a few sold at almost 30k USD, and as they become more difficult to obtain, that in itself will continue to drive prices up even further. Look at what the world economy has done to the exotic car and real estate markets. 7 years ago you could buy a low body Countach for 200-250k, and now they're 500-600k. Yes you can buy a new Aventador for 450k, but so can everyone else. As most people that have the disposable income to play in these price ranges will tell you......most of the time it is not about the item they are buying, but the hunt, the find, and the purchase. After they have the item, then it will usually sit as they find a new target to hunt. It is all about how to be different, and have what others cannot.

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