Thread: RO love/hate
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Old 20 July 2017, 12:04 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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RO love/hate

I really don't get it, love the AP pics, but really don't like my 15300, in pics love them, in real no, really can't understand why, I was making a pleasure of sending it for service and wearing it, but after 2-3 hours playing with it and wearing it, realized I really don't like it, what the hell is wrong with me, love the design, but somehow the feel and wear puts me off, the feel of the brushed parts of the bracelet feel strange, when the Nautilus brushed parts feel smooth, the AP feels kind of rugged and not nice to touch, also it takes fingerprints like crazy, I barely touched it and it had marks everywhere.
Anyone else feel the same or am I an only case? Again not talking about the design which I love, more the feel and wear...

I loved the SS and RG 15202's but they were covered with plastic at the Boutique and AD when I saw them, is the feel and wear different from the 15300/400 or same thing?

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