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Old 20 July 2017, 12:14 AM   #51
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[QUOTE=tyler1980;7759354]So my RG 44,which is 3 1/2 months old broke today. Obviously I’m sending it in but figured i would see if anyone has any thoughts on what happened.

The watch is fully wound and works fine until i use the chrono. The chrono works until the 30 minute mark (specifically about 10 seconds short of 30 minutes) and it stops. It also completely stops the rest of the watch as well. I reset the chrono and the watch is still frozen. I unscrew the crown and pull it out until i can engage the time setting and then reset the watch to the correct time, screw the crown back in and the watch starts again and works fine. It does NOT start working on its own though, but only after i pull the crown out, and reset the time. No winding required though. This pattern has repeated itself 3 times in a row, and the results are exactly the same.

My understanding is the chronograph module is on top of the regular calibre 3120. If they are basically separate pieces then why does a malfunctioning chronograph affect the rest of the watch as well? I would assume once the chronograph is engaged, unless it is a power reserve issue (which it does not appear to be), and it stops, the timekeeping of the rest of the watch should be unaffected.

Note, this is NOT an AP bashing/reliability post as these types of things are bound happen to mechanical watches. I have four AP's and never have had a single issue before. I have not lost confidence either, i am curious though if anyone else has had this issue or knows what might have happened? I hardly ever use the chronograph function, probably used it less than 10 times in total since i got the watch.


I will explain you what happens and to know cost me 6 mounth of stress!!

Your watch like all AP ROO have 3126/3840 caliber who use a module chrono!
AP have many chrono module in stock and this module stay even 2-3 years until they are put on the watch.
So because of that the oil loose his property and this is the major problems of this caliber.
Unfortunately when you send the watch at service thay will replace your module with another who have the sane issue!!
I buy my AP ROO 26470 OR on Friday new from AP Boutique and Monday I go back and because the watch stop. They send me to AP service tell me problem of yhe watch are chrono module. Ok!
They replace the module and send me back the watch!
After 2 weeks the watch stop again and I go back to AP.
They send me the watch at AP manufacture and for this problem give me reward 5 years extended guarantee. Ok!
The watch come back and work 2 month and stop!!! Again!!!
I decide to sell it!
And the buyers who are a friend of mine send the watch to a watchmaker in swiss not AP but a good watchmaker and the watchmaker due a complete revision of the module: clean all pieces, oiled....
And now is about one year and the watch work perfect!!
This is the problems of AP ROO.
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