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Old 20 August 2017, 09:50 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Chadridv View Post
Perhaps I missed the context of this post, if so I apologize and please feel free to explain yourself.

Otherwise, am I reading this correctly? You would actually write a 1 star negative yelp review, and you call it "honest" when it's not an actual account of your experience?

I believe I was the first one to suggest the OP write a negative yelp review, so I'm all for hitting back in that regard, but I seriously hope you and other members here aren't considering writing their own reviews based on the OPs experience. That's just not right.
I could not agree more. Based on this story I feel badly for the OP so this has nothing to do with the OP specifically and everything to do with life generally. Maybe I'm jaded due to the nature of my work but I've never gotten a 100% perfect picture by interviewing one party. I certainly wouldn't blast a second party based on something I read here, written by someone I've never met and a watch I've only seen a picture of. That is not the intent behind those review section. Posting based on hearsay is in terrible taste.
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