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Old 8 September 2017, 04:04 AM   #42
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OK, I started this thread, so I'm going to give a bit of an explanation.

Firstly, it was in no way intended to bully PJ or cause any offence. I publicly apologise to PJ if that is how he took it.

I think most of us on here know who PJ is - a knowledgeable, but opinionated person who is often outspoken. He has also said he doesn't like Patek watches. I think it's fair to say he has some notoriety on this forum. So because of his online persona, people naturally want to know what watches he has. What does this guy wear who's had all to say that he has? I'm afraid it goes with the territory - "Let's see your cards" if you will, because you could be bluffing.

Sure, he doesn't have to own a Patek to have an opinion, but if you have owned a Patek that opinion is more credible. It's like a restaurant critic who writes a restaurant review by looking at the menu, but not tasting the food.

So, I wanted to give him a little bit of a hard time, but good humoured banter, nothing offensive. I don't expect for a moment he will post his collection, but that doesn't stop a bit of mickey taking. PJ's post are quite sarcastic and he's clearly intelligent, so I thought he would be game.
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