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Old 8 September 2017, 04:41 AM   #44
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Western KY
Posts: 501
I don't see the big deal and why he is avoiding the thread unless he truly has something to hide. I've said this in many forums, I don't think one's personal collection or lack there of is something to be ashamed of as these boards are better when true enthusiasts share technical information which benefits all of us more so than average owners that post pictures. But, he should show us some pieces he enjoys since he gave Arnould such a hard time.

Edit. My main hobby is Home Theater and some of the most resourceful posters on the AVS forum hang out in the DIY section. They typically aren't financially able to purchase the $20k+ gear/components where a large group of us hang out ($20,000+ ultra high end gear section) but often they are able to provide more technical information than most others. They also generally provide the most useful contributions for everyone to learn. And, what ticks me off the most is when members start talking about their income/better/higher priced gear when in actuality that DIYer has more knowledge and a better setup because he understands the sciences much better than the douche trying to sound better than him. I know it's different situation but see it happen over there all the time and it gets under my skin.

Just to show an example. My Home Theater is 34'x18'x10' with a 13' "wide" scope screen. It has a 4K Sony projector and the room is acoustically designed. The total room cost aprox $300k but one of my favorite DIY friends has a room well under $75k that blows mine out of the water just because of his knowledge which he shares with anyone that wants help.
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