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Old 11 October 2017, 07:53 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by tyler1980 View Post
I agree that the AD needs to be named as a heads up to others considering doing business with them. Its not about dragging them through the mud as much as it is to let others know this might happen to them. I know I value my relationship with my AD, but if i knew that they had the potential to do something like this i would rather know sooner rather than later so i could consider other options.

To me its less about them not delivering a watch they said they could as that does happen, but in this case it's more about the reason they didn't. Waiting to see what secondary pricing for the watch was and then using that to leverage more purchases is pretty shady.


OP wouldn't you like to prevent a potential buyer/forum member from getting treated exactly as you did? You're not even shaming the AD at that point you're helping our community. You were legit conned as you had no information before about 'extra purchases' being required (which in itself is ABSURD if you've spent a pretty penny with them prior).
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