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Old 12 October 2017, 02:21 AM   #21
Join Date: May 2014
Real Name: John
Location: La Jolla, CA
Watch: Platona
Posts: 12,194
This is excellent advice.

Originally Posted by codecow View Post
If I was you I would be sure to contact HSWA and explain the situation. You're probably out of luck on the 5522 but hopefully Patek can hook you up in some other way. To be honest if my AD tried that with me I'd go nuts. I can understand if they tell you straight up you're not getting one, but trying to make you buy a bunch of high margin stuff you don't even want is complete BS.

I was prepared not to get one based on my relative standing, I don't buy GC watches (yet). My AD could not promise one of the new Speedmaster 60th but that's ok for me because if I don't get it I wasn't expecting it.

When you're ready to buy I can hook you up with salespeople from my AD if you'd like.
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