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Old 24 October 2017, 06:31 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Abdullah71601 View Post
You have missed the point entirely. Aspiring to excellence in everything one does is not the same as failing to be a professional ball player. It is simply driving oneself to be the best at whatever endeavor one chooses.

Your advice to set the bar lower is the antithesis to developing a drive to be successful. Do you advise students that a D is ok? Is it ok to almost pass a driving class? Is losing a goal?

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Advising people to do anything half ass is cheating them out of ecouragement to go beyond their boundaries. What would this world be if no one was encouraged to reach for the stars?

I agree but there is a limit to that. While I'd consider just finishing and barely making it through the time cut-offs a half ass attempt, you have to be realistic and know that you can't be 'the best', at least not in this sport.

During my first marathon, was I the best? heck no! it was an African dude who can run with an incredible speed that I can't even hold for 5 minutes, I wasn't even in the top 1000. At 4:54 it was almost an embarrassing time.

Now two weeks ago I ran 4:25, in bad weather and a lot more elevation, still not a 'good' time but I'm glad there is progression. I just need to learn how to keep pushing as it's mainly a game against the voices in your head, and I need to train harder.

But this isn't my career, my life doesn't depend on it, it's good to have goals and to push yourself, getting discipline, etc. But it has to stay fun. I'm at the point where I'm figuring out where the line is, how much am I willing to train and what can I achieve with that effort.
Originally Posted by GB-man View Post
Rolex uses rare elves to polish the platinum. They have a union deal and make like $90 per hour and get time and half on weekends.
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