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Old 20 October 2008, 06:24 AM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2008
Real Name: Anastasios
Location: Athens Greece
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Originally Posted by ajmarton View Post
Here's the real story. I only do local deals so this purchase looked promising. I was willing to walk with him to a Bank of America located a block away and have the teller hand HIM a cashiers' check for the purchase price. What is the scam there? I just did that earlier in the week with a well known and respected watch dealer in the LA market - Mr. Tarek S. for a similarly priced Rolex. This out of state guy shows up in a pick-up truck with a buddy and wants me to walk to the bank while he waits and for me to return with a large sum of cash in downtown LA. Why do I have to risk walking around with thousands of dollars in downtown LA. I was also worried about a switch and bait on the watch while I was gone - granted that may have just been my imagination. But I am not going to take ANY chances when we are talking thousands of dollars - I needed a record of the sale in case something went south. I thought about the situation on the way to the bank and decided to back out of the deal. I also do not know this guy at all and he has a buddy with him. So I was a little intimidated by the situation and probably could have dealed with it better. But I trusted my gut reaction and the deal was queered. I am not going to apologize for being overly cautious when thousands of dollars are at stake and I am dealing with an out of state stranger. I am sorry the deal did not happen and he had to make a slight detour to see me but that is the world of sales. It has happened to us all.
His cell phone is (253) 312-0081. I am sure you have call him
the moment you thought about the situation and decided to back out of the deal.
It is your right to back out of any deal....just show courtesy and let him know of your sentiments...simple really..unfortunately John was waiting for you to show up...trusting your word... longer than was "cosher" for him to wait.

As I have done many many deals with him all 100% perfect I would say make a move restore trust and correct the misundertanding between TRFers...send him the money...or go there yourself just half an hours drive south of you and DO THE DEAL.
I for one, vouch for him 1.000%
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