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Old 12 December 2017, 03:39 AM   #13
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Originally Posted by kunlun View Post
Rolex is not a high-end watch and does not impress watch snobs for good reason.

You were not wearing a watch in their league and you don't know very much about horology.

Calling a tourbillon a "rich man's toy" while wearing a Rolex is ironic, since they actually knew about watches and you don't.

You are like a stereotype of ignorant rolex owners. Wanting people to support you in your ignorance seems a little gross.

The sad part is that if you actually had an interest in watches, it wouldn't have mattered what you were wearing, you could have shared in their passion, rather than being threatened by it.
Wow. You missed the entire point of the OP/thread and your open hostility and condescension certainly didn't add any constructive insights to the topic of tourbillon movements.

BTW (and based on the highlights of your quote), you somehow managed to contradict yourself.
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