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Old 14 December 2017, 12:34 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Brenngun View Post
I've only had a chance to jump in on this tread a couple of times but I wanted to chime in again. If you care to know how this has impacted my family please go back and read my posts.

Regardless of how anyone on this thread feels about recreational use can you please understand that cannabis has exhibited real medical benefits. The people who have been positively impacted by these benefits could care less about recreational use. When it comes to the way you think about this please don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Separate these 2 sides of the discussion.

There are currently many people with real chronic pain that have had no option but opioids. I don't think I need to go through that train wreck of a treatment. Right now I have no doubt that medicinal cannabis has saved my wife's life. Her life has completely turned around for the positive and she doesn't get high. I'll stop now because I'm getting a little emotional.
These types of stories are very moving. It is a shame more people have not seen the good results firsthand themselves. Instead, they only think of Grateful Dead concerts when the words Marijuana/Cannabis and Hemp come up.

The reality is, we my be on the verge of refining multiple medicines that could treat a variety of debilitating conditions. I’m really happy for you and your wife.

On the recreational side, I’ve seen an immemse amount of product innovations from beverages/teas/energy shots, edibles, beauty products, etc. Not every product is meant to make people “high”, and with micro-dosing, controlling consumption is much easier than the 3 stoners in a VW bus fish bowl days that older folks associate Cannabis with. Guess it will just take more time to educate the general population.
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