Thread: Goodbye AP ADs
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Old 14 February 2018, 12:19 AM   #171
2024 Pledge Member
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Originally Posted by iceman1118 View Post
I feel just as bad for the regular guy who doesn't know about TRF, other forums, watch websites, etc. and has lusted for a SS 15202 over the years and could never afford it. Now let's say he can due to the personal success you mention. He goes to his AD and that's a big time no go. He goes to the boutique and now he is either told no or he is at the end of what we assume to be a very long list. At the end of the day it just doesn't seem fair. Even though these are pricey objects, it still is just a piece of metal that tells time.
I just don't know how many of these regular guys exist any more who are really into watches but don't look online for more info. The Iphone has so overtaken the world that for many younger people, probably the majority now, the cyber world is more real and important than the outside one.

Yes, I do think it's a shame that the retail experience is dying, but this is just how the techo world is progressing, and I think in future people will place more of a premium on being able to just get a watch and showing it off online than on how they buy it. It's nice to have a salesman or two be respectful of you but fades to nothing compared to thousands fawning and lusting over your new luxury watch. It already happens here on TRF altho we have a bit more substance than the Instas etc, and social media has played a huge part in the higher turnover and flipperitis that is helping to surge demand on popular pieces that are bought now not only to flip for money but to display on Social Media.
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